Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Home with Dark Room

My Mom likes to tell the story of one of the times she and Dad were looking for a house to buy (there were many times, since my Dad was in the Air Force, and moved frequently). Their agent had set up an appointment for them to view a home that was occupied. For some reason, the agent could not make it, but the tenant (I assume--I hope the owner/seller would not actually do this) would be there to let them in and show them around. 

When my parents showed up, they were let into the house by a woman who promptly returned to watching TV with her adult son, in the living room, with lights off and blinds drawn. I think my parents glanced at the bedrooms, but were too shocked to even ask to turn on a light to see the living room. They soon left and still have no idea what that home looked like.

Here's a dark room for you:

Shots like this always make me wonder if maybe the photographer knows that it would be even worse with the lights on!

Monday, July 16, 2012

And the new name of my TV Listings is...

Ugh. Totally flubbed that one. It's TV Listings. Think about it; they're listings, they have TV's. I'm done trying to name the movie, show or sailboat on them (much less soccer teams--oh, yes). It's generic enough to cover them all, and I feel pretty clever for thinking of it. Win win.

First up...
Casablanca?!?! Isn't this what I was trying to get away from?!

It's the last one I've seen in a while. And to be honest, I don't hate its use in this instance. It's a classy home, a classy movie, the colors don't stand out too harshly from the rest of the image. And in fact, it kind of makes the TV just disappear.

Wait a minute... the TV has disappeared! Let's take a closer look...
If you are going to fill a rectangular space in a photo with a super-imposed image, make sure it's the right rectangular space. Use the TV, not the shelves. I take back what I said earlier about not hating this one.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

My apologies...

Sorry, everyone, that it's been so long since a post here. Of course, I'm just flattering myself pretending that anyone noticed. Or reads this blog at all..

I do, however, have a folder full of images, hence, lots to post about. Things should get rolling again pretty soon. In the meantime, I leave you with these two beautiful images. They are of the same listing (duh) and pretty much sum up the look of the entire home. Entire. Seriously.

 It strikes me as odd that the only thing not swathed in wood is the floor!

 Cabinet doors blend right in. I wonder what the tub is made of?